Overall Im really happy with the way I played this month. I felt like I kept my tilt to a minimal and did a really good job of not playing when I was tired/pissed off/didnt feel like playing/was high etc. This is all really exciting since about 6 months or so ago I was a marginal 1/2 6 max reg making a few k a month and know Im making like 10x that. Im having a hard time deciding if I want to keep going farther in poker. Obviously Id like to make as much money as possible buts its really hard passing up on a pretty stress-free 20k a month salary(assuming Im not lazy). I think Im gonna take a few more shots 3/6 and 5/10 the next 2 months or so and see how it goes. Im pretty sure my first 20k hands up there have just been bad variance but the competition is a lot better and Im not sure it will be worth my time.
Anyway here are my October Goals:
1. >50k hands (I need to get 50k VPPS the next 3 months to get the 500k milestone bonus so its gonna be close)
2. $20k: I think this is probably going to be my standard goal from now on. Including bonuses I think this is challenging but reasonable at the same time.
3. More shots at 3/6+
4. Game select better: This is very important for #3. Sometimes I get lazy or over confident and will sit in reg infested 3/6 games which are not very +EV. Need to only play when the games look good.
5. Keep learning about investing. This is something that really interests me and Id really like to become knowledgeable about. I have a few investing books and I need to put more time in reading those. Id really like to be able to manage my own portfolio in the next few years
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